Cannabis Information


What are Cannabinoids?

 Cannabinoids are natural chemical compounds found in a variety of plants, but produced in highest concentrations in the flowers of the cannabis plant. There are over 100 cannabinoids produced in the hairs on the flowers called trichomes, the main ones being THC, CBD, CBG and CBN.



What is CBD?

CBD is the second most prevalent cannabinoid found in the Cannabis plant and, unlike THC, has no psychoactive intoxicating properties. Research has shown that CBD extracted from cannabis and consumed has the potential to alleviate a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Sleep disorders / insomnia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Menopause

The Endocannabinoid system

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is found in both humans and animals and had two receptors – CB1 and CB2 – that are found throughout the body, internally and on the skin. These receptors help to regulate and bring the body a state of equilibrium and balance. The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating our hormones, mood, appetite, digestion, memory, pain sensitivity, motivation, sleep and much more.

It’s involved in communicating and transmitting signals between the body’s various systems, like the central nervous system, the immune system and the organs. The body produces its own cannabinoids, but these aren’t able to travel far in the body, which can lead to deficiencies in the ECS. This is why introducing plant-produced natural cannabinoids such as CBD, can help to supplement and support the ECS, which in turn helps to support and bring balance to the body’s various systems.



Different types of CBD

Isolate – This is the purest form of CBD, where everything in the plant matter is removed, including all traces of THC, terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils and other cannabinoids, leaving only the isolated CBD.

Broad Spectrum – All the plant’s cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and essential oils are used, which means it can deliver the enhanced benefits of an “entourage effect.” This is without the risk of the psychoactive effects of THC, because the THC has been removed.

Full Spectrum – Full spectrum CBD is an extract that contains all compounds found naturally occurring in the plant, including terpenes, essential oils and all other cannabinoids. THC still remains in the product, however the levels need to be below 0,2% to be legally compliant.

How can CBD be delivered into the body?

CBD can be introduced to the system in various ways, either consumed or applied. There are a wide range of product formats and delivery mechanisms available:

  • Vapes
  • Oral oil tinctures and sprays
  • Edibles and beverages
  • Topicals – creams, salves and balms


Perhaps the most critical factor for cannabis consumption is the bioavailability of the product. Bioavailability is the degree to which a substance (like CBD) becomes available to the body after consumption or application through different products and methods of delivery.  The various delivery methods and options offer varying degrees of effectiveness. For instance:

An intravenous dose of medication (i.e. injection) is considered 100% bioavailable as it is administered directly into the bloodstream.

Vaping and Inhalers, like smoking, use the lungs to absorb cannabinoids. With a top-quality vaporiser or inhaler, the bioavailability for CBD can reach 50–80%.

Edibles, in other words, ingesting, is somewhere in the range of 5–20%. The effects can be stronger and last longer than other methods of consumption, as the cannabinoids are digested through the liver and intestines.

Oil tinctures are absorbed into the bloodstream sublingually, meaning under the tongue and therefore bypass the liver and digestive system. They are known to be 40-50% bioavailable with some liposomal products reaching even higher levels.

Topicals, in other words, creams, balms and lotions. Through transdermal delivery or rubbing cream into the skin, the cannabinoids are absorbed into receptors leading to a therapeutic effect.

Suggested usage and guidelines

Our products are safe, but please follow the guidelines and recommended dosages. CBD is not recommended for children or pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Please note that everyone’s response to CBD is different and has a different ‘therapeutic window’ of efficacy. You may feel an improvement after the first use or you may need daily, continuous use to feel the benefits. Every user should safely experiment to find the best dosage and product concentration for their needs. We recommend starting with small dosages.

Vape:  2 -3 puffs to be held in the lungs as long as possible before exhaling. Effects felt in 2-5 minutes and last for up to 30 minutes. 

Gummies, Cookies, Muffins: 2 – 4 per day. Effects are usually felt after about 20 minutes.

Beverages: A cup or two per day. Effects are felt after about 20 minutes.

Oral oil tinctures: A few drops under the tongue. Effects felt in 20-30 minutes and last for up to 6 hours.

Topical creams, salves and balms: Apply as needed. Effects felt in 30 to 60 minutes and last for up to 5-6 hours.

A person’s use of Cannabis will be a factor in the dosage. Regular users may require higher doses to achieve the desired effect. Higher dosages are advised for more chronic and severe conditions. Dosages should be assessed according to body weight guidelines.

If you would like additional information on usage and guidelines please click here…  

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